20 Jan 2013

Steak, Liver and Bacon, Bubble & Squeak Mash, Red Onion Gravy

Meal 7 - 19th Jan - Steak, Liver and Bacon, Bubble & Squeak Mash, Red Onion Gravy

Liver. Conjures up memories of overcooked school dinners and mother's cooking, which is not a good thing. To be honest I have pretty much avoided offal in general for most of my life so it was with a certain amount of trepidation that I began meal 7. And with the snow pelting down I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about hitting the shops. But, with the promise of a post-shopping pint, and remembering the enriching experience of last weeks trip to the market, we set out nonetheless.

Our first destination was Dickenson's Butchers, highly recommended by other middle-class types. We bought a good hunk of fillet steak, a large pack of streaky bacon, a slab of calves liver and some lamb mince (for tomorrow's meal - it's all about the pre-planning) all for less than £12. Most of the remaining ingredients came from the Lebanese supermarket we discovered last week.

The cooking of the dish is relatively straightforward. After a few minutes, I had the steak frying, the potatoes and sprouts boiling away and the gravy on the go, and had nothing to do. I even considered tidying up the work surface but dismissed the idea (Lolz loves tidying up after me). Once the steak was cooked to what I thought was approximately medium rare, I began on the liver. Having never cooked it before it was mostly guesswork and it did arguably come out overcooked. All in all though, the final dish was comfort food at it's finest and I will certainly be looking to refine my liver cooking skills at some point in the future. The gravy was deeeelish.

Lolz gave the dish 8/10. Thought the steak was somewhat superfluous and wanted more veg! Difficulty rating 5/10.

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