25 May 2013

Grilled Cajun Prawns, Sweet Potato Mash and Holy Trinity Veg

Meal 46 - May 25th - Grilled Cajun Prawns, Sweet Potato Mash and Holy Trinity Veg

This week, Lolz bumped into Masterchef presenter Gregg Wallace on the tube. I say "bumped in to" - apparently he got into her carriage, she smiled at him awkwardly and proceeded to Tweet about it. It's not unusual to celeb spot in London - I once bumped into The Hoff in Brent Cross shopping centre* but what is was surprising is that Gregg retweeted her. Rather than be concerned about the fact that he ends up dating most women who tweet him I decided that this was a sure sign that BBC bigwigs and experts in the culinary industry have spotted my cooking/blogging talent and I would shortly be securing some celebrity endorsements and, possibly, my own TV show.

20 May 2013

Sweet and Sour Veggies, Szechuan Eggy Rice & Crunch Salad

Meal 45 - Sweet and Sour Veggies, Szechuan Eggy Rice & Crunch Salad

In a rather comedic moment on Friday night Lolz was rummaging through the freezer when something made her turn around rather quickly, bang her head on the door and collect a rather nasty gash on her forehead. Cue a trip to A&E, stitches and Lolz declaring that she was unfit to cook dinner for me as promised. But although it was me who had to step up and save the day, driving her to the hospital and cooking dinner while she rested her poor little head, apparently it was all my fault because she was only looking in the freezer in order to satisfy my request to add prawns to the stir fry she was going to cook.

15 May 2013

Mighty Mackerel, Mixed Tomato and Quinoa Salad

Meal 44 - May 15th - Mighty Mackerel, Mixed Tomato and Quinoa Salad

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a grain like crop, grown primarily for it's edible seeds. I am of course talking about quinoa, the nature of which I was as clueless about as it's pronunciation. I am exaggerating of course - eating quinoa is a crucial rite of passage for all middle class wannabes and although I had never tried it before, I knew that it was basically a posher variety of cous cous.

12 May 2013

Mustard Lamb, Irish Mash and Watercress Apple Salad

Meal 43 - May 12th - Mustard Lamb, Irish Mash and Watercress Apple Salad

After a very lazy Saturday, Lolz and I decided we would add another string to our middle-class bow by visiting the Parsons Green Farmer's Market on Sunday morning. Surely that would deliver a hit of inspiration to save me from this 15 minute meal slump that I am going through? Well, I did make one important and rather momentous discovery (details to follow in my next post...) but, unless you are looking for home made cakes or artisan breads, it was rather lacking in the inspiration department.

11 May 2013

Orange Super Smoothie

Meal 42 - May 11th - Orange Super Smoothie

It's been a bit of a funny old week - a change appears to have occurred whereby Lolz has become chef and I am chief washer-upper. Desperate to redress this balance (I don't like washing up) but wanting to ease myself back in to the 15 minute meal routine, I decided to make a nice straightforward smoothie. This had the added benefit of using up the copious amount of oranges we have accrued from our weekly veg boxes.

4 May 2013

Sizzling Beef Steak, Hoi Sin Prawn and Noodle Bowls

Meal 41 - May 4th - Sizzling Beef Steak, Hoi Sin Prawn and Noodle Bowls

Ahhh, bank holiday weekend!  After a long week of work I can't describe how excited I am about 3 days of lie ins, alcohol, football and of course 15 minute meals. With respect to the latter, we found ourselves watching an episode of the 15 minute meals TV show as we had lunch, featuring this particular recipe. Lolz gave me some nervous looks when she saw that the recipe needed 4 separate pans, but we both agreed it looked sufficiently appetizing to kick off a new month of 15 minute meals! Today is of course also Star Wars Day - time will tell as to whether this particular attempt was out of this world...

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