15 Apr 2013

White Super Smoothie

Meal 35 - April 14th - White Super Smoothie

After a rather energetic Saturday which involved building a new flat pack wardrobe, going for a run and of course cooking a rather impressive 15 minute meal, I was looking forward to a rather lazy Sunday of watching football and golf. So it was rather unfortunate that Lolz had planned an afternoon trip to Westfield Shopping Centre for us, and had specifically mentioned the labour intensive possibility of buying shoes and jeans. Good times were certainly in store...

Looking for a pre-shopping energy boost, I turned to Jamie, who says that these super smoothies are "guaranteed to invigorate you in the morning". I had a few ripe bananas left over from the veg box, so the White Super Smoothie sounded just what I needed to see me through the day. I blended up the bananas with the milk, almonds and honey and the end result is a nice, sweet and very simple smoothie, which we accompanied with some of the orange muffins which Lolz made on Saturday. Lolz, ever averse to bananas, gave it 5/10.

I can report that, although I was flagging towards the end, it was a successful shopping trip and Lolz bought three pairs of trousers and two pairs of shoes. For those who are not so keen on bananas or smoothies, I would recommend the Westfield motorised mobility scooters.

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