25 Apr 2013

Spring Frittata, Tomato Toasts, Watercress and Pea Salad

Meal 38 - April 24th - Spring Frittata, Tomato Toasts, Watercress and Pea Salad

As a big fan of lazy Saturday mornings I regularly watch Saturday Kitchen on BBC1 where celebrity chefs make omelettes to varying degrees of success within a matter seconds. I am yet to make an appearance on that show but today I would be making a frittata - I'm not sure exactly what the difference is and I would hope that mine will be slightly more appetizing than Paul Rankin's 17.52 second record, but in 15 minutes I would expect to be able to make a pretty knockout omelette.

It seemed like it should be a fairly straightforward meal to cook on a weekday evening after a long day at work with no particularly complicated ingredients or cooking techniques. It's also another dish which I cook fairly regularly so, like those controversial pasta dishes, I was keen to see if the 15 minute meal version was a big step up.

The frittata is pretty easy and is under the grill within a few minutes. I set to work on the salad and I was unsure what to expect... on the one hand at least it's not just lettuce, tomato and cucumber in a bowl. On the other hand it is all very green and I fear it may be disappointing. The tomato toasts look like they could be good though.

There was a couple of issues with the frittata - half of it was slightly overcooked - I blame the grill for that one. I may also have failed to realise how important it was to squeeze the liquid out of the grated courgette - as a result the filling was arguably slightly soggy. Overall it was good though. The salad was also a surprise hit - the summery flavours were just what was needed on the hottest day of the year so far. The tomatoey, garlicy, chargrilled toasts were great. I can definitely see myself making this one on a more regular basis...

Lolz gave it 8/10. Difficulty rating 4/10.

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